Hat’s off to the 2014 Graduates!




We all know what May brings: the influx of bright-eyed, bushy-tailed recent college grads ready to hit the ground running and start their careers. The trouble is that many of them do not have a strong sense of what they really want to do now that they’re all grown up nor should they have to considering a majority of internships consist of waiting around for the next menial task to be thrown at them that really does not require a college degree. Internships are great and we see many college grads continue to intern after graduation just to gain experience and stay competitive in this difficult job market. While that’s honorable, these internships are unpaid and after spending all that money towards a degree, you deserve a paycheck!

 We also hear very often how college’s career centers are of little to no help as candidates attempt to network with their fellow alumni. So without a strong presence of your alma mater or family/friend connections at companies to get a foot in the door, the world of job applications can be discouraging and overwhelming. We at First Choice are always fascinated by how a majority of recent college grads are completely unfamiliar with the existence of staffing agencies. Once you have a job and you’re “Linkedin legit,” recruiters will start attacking you left and right, but when you’re first entering the work force, agencies just aren’t on their radars. Interestingly enough, staffing agencies are probably the best place for them to go. Now that Obama allows young adults to stay on their parent’s health care plan until the age of 26, temping is a valuable option for recent college grads. So what is temping?

 Temp (v) – To temp is to work on-site at a company through a staffing agency; meaning you are paid by the agency. Sometimes referred to as: contracting or consulting.

Temporary jobs vary in length and span a variety of industries depending on the agency’s client roster. Temping allows individuals to gain new skills, network within different companies and discover what they enjoy doing. And the great news is you’re actually getting paid! Companies are always impressed by candidates that take the initiative to temp, while searching for a permanent position. It adds a certain level of credibility to what would otherwise be a very green applicant. An essential side note: quite a few of what were originally supposed to be short-term temp assignments turn into permanent job offers!

So you heard it here first; temping is a definite win for the college grads, but it’s also a HUGE win for our clients. These candidates are fresh out of school, extremely motivated and their technical skills are off the charts. This is the type of energy companies want and need to stay competitive within their industries. 

At First Choice Staffing, we value recent college grads! Send your resume to resumes@firstchoiceny.com with the subject line: Ready to Launch and one of our college recruiters will contact you to help launch you into the real world!
